Opponents of non-sexist language see that the usage of alternatives as he/she or the neuter "person"are confusing ,cumbersome and offensive variants.As it is common in public discussions to take it for granted that the usage of the word 'man' to refer to humanity or any person whether male or female,is to engage in sexist language. They believe that the use of 'man' or 'he' to refer to male and to both males and females means that maleness is more fundamental than femaleness .They also support their argument by the story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis. Eve is the first woman,she is created from Adam's rib for the purpose of being his companion. The implication is that Adam is more fundamental than Eve .Furthermore, when Aristotle says "man is a rational being"he doesn't mean males only but he means humanity. This according to feminist argument reflects patriarchal dominance and so sexism. In the end ,opponents claim that gender, in any language, is just an expression of the affinity of understanding for logical divisions and hierarchies.Blaubergs noted that there is no evidence (existed that)(in) cultures using a sexist language had any more sex discrimination than those using a liberated language. Proponents of this view suggested that language is a trivial concern and feminists should spend their energies on more important forms of sexism e.g economic oppression of women ,or physical violence . They also see that there is no freedom of speech as the non-sexist guidelines were characterized as a form of censorship .Besides, they belive that the so-called sexist language is not sexist as using the masculine generics were not sexist because the user of the term do not have the sexist intentions Furthermore, change is too difficult and impractical .Thus, these arguments suggests that "changing sexist language would involve the rewriting of literary works ,the idioms of the language and even historical events".On the contrary , supporters of non-sexist language as Anne pauwels believe that non-sexist language has the potential to change the way people think about cultural norms and gender roles .They believe that the masculine is always preferable to the feminine. For example, when the sex of something is unknown it is always referred as'he' .In addition , they call for having gender-specific titles and gender specific pronouns. They recognize that "traditional language fails to reflect the presence of women in modern society.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pay attention to grammar and spelling. I sense carelessness in writing.
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