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Very Important 1. Draft MUST be close to the final copy. 2. Before you submit it, make sure you take care of the following: - spelling - grammar - no exaggerated judgments 3. TRY to make the draft as close as possible to 13-15 pages. 4. FOLLOW the formating guidelines in the booklet as much as you can. This will save you time. 5. BIBILIOGRAPHY: Online references: put the URL (cut and paste) of the reference and the DATE you accessed this page. 6. COVER page Ain Shams University Faculty of Alsun Department of English Linguistics Book Review of
Your Name Fourth Year Under the supervision of
Dr. Khaled Elghamry Academic Year 2007-2008 NO COLORS NO FANCY FONTS: TIMES NEW ROMAN or GEORGIA is fine. GOOD LUCK

Sunday, April 6, 2008

COMMENTS: radwa saied ismaiel moh

"The Bilingual Family" is the second edition of Cambridge University Press' best-selling book that gives parents the information and the advice they need,in order to make informed decisions about what language 'policy' to adopt with their children.It also looks at(examines) cases of single-parent families with bilingual children,as well as schooling and bi-literacy issues.The title of the book "The Bilingual Family,a handbook for parents" crystallizes the fact that this book provides practical advice to thousands of parents who want their children to grow up as bilinguals.The book begins with a 'dedication' written by the authors to a number of bilingual children and to their parents.This gives the book some sort of credibility;as it addresses real bilingual families and explores their real problems concerning 'Bilingualsm' and how to face it.Following the dedication,comes. <--(TAKE THIS PART OUT) 'The Table of Contents' is well-divided.It is divided into three main parts.In the first,the authors,Edith Harding-Esch & Philip Riley,help parents identify the factors that will influence their decision whether to bring up their children as bilinguals or not.The second part consists of case studies of real bilingual families,which illustrate a wide range of different 'solutions'.The third part is an alphabatical referance guide providing answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning bilingualism."It is a very book and a reassuring one which is of great interest to parents",as said in the Modern Language Journal about this book.Then comes 'The Authors'.The authors,Edith Harding-Esch and Philip Riley,who are professional applied linguists,draw on their own experience as parents of successfully bilingual children who experienced this process themselves and on interviews with other bilingual families.After that comes 'The Preface'.It shows the main aim and target of the book.The book is particularly written for parents who might consider bringing up their children as bilinguals.It is written for those families who are speaking a language but are living in another country speaking another language.For ex.,"the English speaking family living in Madrid"(preface-xiii).The book,as well, could be useful to the wide range of increasingly mobile families who are encountered with (face) the problem of educating their children in two or more languages.Actually,the preface highlights the fact thet the book is not a set of harsh and hard rules to follow but it is a practical discussion of some of the fundamental aspects that will greatly help parents.It also shows that the book starts with a breif(CHECK SPELLING) presentation of the uses which all children;whether they are bilingual or not,put language(NOT CLEAR).Also,it begins with a definition of a small number of terms that are helpful to talk about,such as:language and language acquisation(CHECK SPELLING)).Actually,bringing up bilingual children is a challange and this book is an essential one that helps parents meet their challange(CHECK SPELLING). Radwa: This part is informative and provides a good overview of the book. However, it is a little bit repetitive. Also try to find a better way for exposition than using 'then comes .. then comes'. Also make sure you double check your review for spelling mistakes and typos.

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