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Very Important 1. Draft MUST be close to the final copy. 2. Before you submit it, make sure you take care of the following: - spelling - grammar - no exaggerated judgments 3. TRY to make the draft as close as possible to 13-15 pages. 4. FOLLOW the formating guidelines in the booklet as much as you can. This will save you time. 5. BIBILIOGRAPHY: Online references: put the URL (cut and paste) of the reference and the DATE you accessed this page. 6. COVER page Ain Shams University Faculty of Alsun Department of English Linguistics Book Review of
Your Name Fourth Year Under the supervision of
Dr. Khaled Elghamry Academic Year 2007-2008 NO COLORS NO FANCY FONTS: TIMES NEW ROMAN or GEORGIA is fine. GOOD LUCK

Sunday, April 6, 2008

COMMENTS: omnia mostafa abu el enein

David Nunan’s style is formal as a result of the nature of the topic he is handling (Any topic can be handled formally or informally. So the topic is not a good measure of formality or informality. SEE the answer to Reem's first question above).The author is aware that an issue like “discourse analysis” requires a formal style in writing.In addition, he keeps in mind that his audience are mostly teachers and those who are interested in linguistics generally and discourse specifically.Though most of Nunan’s concepts are clearly defined,he introduces sometimes terminologies without providing their definitions.Consequently, the reader may be at loss.This is clear when the writer presents the types of conjunction such as:temporality,casuality,addition,and adversity.He just gives an example for each type without explanation.However, the ideas are well-developed as Nunan starts by presenting simpler ideas till he reaches complex ones.For instance,the book introduces at the beginning simple ideas such as the meaning of “discourse” and “context”.Then,it tackles later complex ideas like “cohesion” and “speech acts”.
COMMENTS: SEE the answer to Reem's first question above.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.